CJ and I have two young children, Sydney and Cooper. We have recently moved home and now live 8 miles up the beautiful Southfork valley in Cody, Wyoming . We run black Angus cows and our horses are used on the ranch and for fun by all of us.
The turkeys will be part of our everyday lives and we hope to increase the number we sell each year. Our hope is to supply free range, fresh thanksgiving turkeys locally here in Cody and across the state of Wyoming.
We believe more and more families are keen to know where their food comes from and how it is produced so we look forward to being a part of this.

Quality and commitment​
Quality and commitment​
We are committed to producing a quality free range, naturally reared turkey. At every stage during their growth the turkeys will have the best possible care and attention to ensure a healthy and happy life.
Each turkey will be individually prepared for the oven, inspected and packed by us.
A very special Thanksgiving turkey !